About Us

About Us

The Los Angeles County Taxpayers Association was founded in 2023 to satisfy the need for effective pro-taxpayer leadership in Los Angeles County. LA County is diverse and is home to at least 291,833 businesses (2020 Census Data) that are impacted by high taxes and burdensome red tape. Additionally, high taxes stand in the way of first and second-generation immigrants achieving the American dream, and there has never been a taxpayers’ advocacy organization to consolidate the voices of LA residents against reckless spending and the corresponding stifling of economic growth. Hence, Los Angeles Taxpayers Association seeks to reintroduce fiscal responsibility back into LA County’s policy conversation through education, campaigning, and coalition-building.


Organizing and promoting a bipartisan message through a united taxpayer organization with no party label gives us a platform to talk to not only Republicans or Democrats but to the many LA County residents who are independents and agree taxes are too high with too little being done to rein in government waste.


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About Us

Los Angeles County Taxpayers Association is a non-profit organization that supports ethical political leadership for our community and our state. We aim to create a society that is equipped to offer the people of Los Angeles County a happy and healthy environment with strong values.


Los Angeles County Taxpayers Association advocate for public issues and raise awareness. We are dedicated to oppose unnecessary taxes and fees, and protecting the rights and interests of Los Angeles County’s Taxpayers against our government holding them accountable, responsive, efficient and fair to deliver optimal value for every tax dollar.

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About Us

The Los Angeles Taxpayers Association was founded in 2023 to satisfy the need for effective pro-taxpayer leadership in Los Angeles County. LA County is diverse and is home to at least 291,833 businesses (2020 Census Data) that are impacted by high taxes and burdensome red tape. Additionally, high taxes stand in the way of first and second-generation immigrants achieving the American dream, and there has never been a taxpayers’ advocacy organization to consolidate the voices of LA residents against reckless spending and the corresponding stifling of economic growth. Hence, Los Angeles Taxpayers Association seeks to reintroduce fiscal responsibility back into LA County’s policy conversation through education, campaigning, and coalition-building.



Organizing and promoting a bipartisan message through a united taxpayer organization with no party label gives us a platform to talk to not only Republicans or Democrats but to the many LA County residents who are independents and agree taxes are too high with too little being done to rein in government waste.

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